Find Out the History of Your Home

The Historic Home Program is a partnership between the Downers Grove Historical Society and the Downers Grove Museum. The program’s mission is to preserve the history of our community’s architecture by completing research on a home’s origin, and when available, on the people who have lived there. By contacting the Historical Society at [email protected] or the Downers Grove Museum you can get started on your application to receive a bronze plaque for the front of your home showing its approximate build date and the name of its most prominent or first owner. The home must be at least 50 years old and must meet one of the following criteria: have architectural significance; have historic significance; a significant person has lived there, or a significant architect or builder was involved with its construction.

The Downers Grove Historic Home Program is not affiliated with the Village of Downers Grove’s Historic Preservation Program.

The Downer Grove Historic Home Program is strictly honorary and does not limit the homeowner from making alterations to the home; it simply preserves the history of the home.

Click here to review the Historic Home Application

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