Downers Grove Historical Society Membership
Hundreds of members support the Society’s work to preserve, celebrate, and share Downers Grove’s history. To our members, we say thank you. And to all others who share our love of Downers Grove, we invite you to join today! Your membership supports our goal of “preservation through education” and provides the following:
- Restoration and maintenance of the Historic Main Street Cemetery in partnership with the Village of Downers Grove
- Recognition of historical structures, sites, and neighborhoods throughout Downers Grove
- Oversight of the Historic Home Program promoting preservation of research done on historical homes in Downers Grove.
- Recognition of citizens who further our goals of celebrating and preserving Downers Grove history
- Sponsorship of events, programs, and publications promoting historical education for all citizens of Downers Grove
- Representation on the Downers Grove Historic Preservation and Design Review Board
Become a Society Member Now!
We welcome volunteers but members are NOT required to volunteer.
New annual memberships and renewals run through 2025
Available to any person
$25 Annual Membership
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Available to entire family
$40 Annual Membership
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All family members included when residing at the same address
Age 62+
$15 Annual Membership
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Senior Couple
Age 62+
$30 Annual Membership
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Couples aged 62+ residing at the same address
Lifetime Individual
$250 Lifetime Membership
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Lifetime Couple
$400 Lifetime Membership
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Couples residing at the same address
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$100 Annual Membership
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Business membership includes opportunities to sponsor events, and mention in our newsletters and on our website (with business link).