The Mary & Lester Naramore House
Location: 5327 Carpenter Street Downers Grove IL
Building style/form: Gothic Revival
Date built: 1891
Historic Home Program
Built circa 1891, the Mary & Lester Naramore House is a Gothic Revival style home. During the early to mid-1800’s the preference for architecture gave rise to the Gothic Revival style. In rural environments these homes were more often constructed in wood clapboard giving rise to the “Carpenter Gothic” vernacular version of the style. Typical features could include front gabled or asymmetrical building form, gables with decorative cross-bracing and vergeboard, pointed arch or lancet windows.
Gothic Revival features of this home include a front gable and decorative cross bracing.
Historic Home submitted by: Lynn and Howard Wood
Approved: 2018


5327 Carpenter Street Downers Grove IL

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