April – National Volunteer Month

Held in April every year, National Volunteer Month is a time to celebrate and recognize the contributions of volunteers. We greatly appreciate the dedication of our volunteers, who generously contribute their time and efforts to support the Historical Society through various tasks such as committee work and event management.

In addition to our nine-member Board of Directors who volunteer many MANY hours to our mission, we have a growing number of sub-committees involving 40+ more volunteers.  Whether manning check-in tables, researching historic homes, portraying early settlers, or creating documentary films, we are privileged to benefit from the assistance of many creative minds. It is through them that we can continue our mission of celebrating and preserving Downers Grove history. Volunteering is an opportunity to join the impact of volunteerism and to get involved in your community. Now is a great time to reaffirm your commitment to giving back.

Want to help?

We always need great energy and creativity on our team. Go to www.dghistory.org/volunteering to make a difference.

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