Belmont Prairie Named 2024 Historic Site

Illinois, the “Prairie State”, has one of the last historic Illinois tall grass prairies left, right here in Downers Grove. This prairie is truly one of Downers Grove’s natural treasures. The preservation of the Belmont Prairie was due mainly to the efforts of Al and Margo Dupree, The Nature Conservancy and the Belmont Prairie Preservation Association back in 1973.

The Downers Grove Historical Society was proud to present the Belmont Prairie as their 2024 Historic Site on August 24, 2024. With about 30 people in attendance, the Historic Site dedication took place on the anniversary of the dedication of the prairie as an Illinois Nature Preserve on August 24, 1980. The preservation of the prairie is a true example of how a community came together to preserve nature for our future generations.

Dedication plaqueDowners Grove Historical Society Board Member and Local Historian Lois Sterba gave a wonderful and informative presentation followed by Naturalist Lance Herning who shared his expertise on the remarkable wildflowers that thrive there.

There are over 300 species of plant and animal wildlife abundant in the prairie. The dominant species in there are porcupine grass and Canada blue-joint grass. There are also moisture-loving species such as cordgrass, sedges, and blue-joint grass. Wildlife there are garter snake, fox snake, and meadow vole.

If you get the chance take a stroll along the prairie paths and you will leave feeling inspired by the beauty and history of the remarkable preserve.

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