Forging New Connections

This year the Downers Grove Historical Society is making great strides in the membership department. One area in which we’re working extra hard is business memberships. Historically (pardon the pun) we haven’t focused on getting new business members, but this year forming relationships with businesses is becoming a big deal. To that end, we’ve hammered out some new features of that program, created a new sign-up form, and re-joined Chamber630.

As members of Chamber630, we’re going to be utilizing their publications to promote ourselves, and also attend events. Most recently we attended the Champions for a Cause event. This is a new annual event intended to promote local non-profit organizations. While at that event we met lots of businesspeople and non-profiters. It was encouraging that so many of the people that we met had participated in our events or were active members in our organization. We also passed out flyers and got the word out so as to cultivate many new fans. After the great experience we had there, we are even more motivated to continue attending events from Chamber630 as well as many other local organizations.

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