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April 30, 2024

Setting the Record Straight: What Caused the Civil War

Downers Grove Public Library
1050 Curtiss St, Downers Grove
1:00 pm — 3:00 pm

Immerse yourself in the time period of our Founder of the Year as we investigate the causes of the Civil War, presented by an Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library Museum historian.

Since the Civil War began, there has been confusion and misinformation about its political and social causes- yet these conversations often leave out what people actually said and did at the time. Join Christian McWhirter, Lincoln Historian for the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, for an examination of primary sources from the Civil War and what they tell us about the causes of America’s greatest conflict.

Free to the public

Registration: www.dgpl.fyi/founders-fest

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Organized by:
Downers Grove Public Library
(630) 960-1200


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