
Homesteading in the Burbs
Listen and ask questions of our panel of local homesteaders, and learn how you can live a self-sufficient life that is sustainable and ecologically friendly – even in the suburbs.
This will be a conversational format, but if you wish to submit a question ahead of time, please include it with your registration. It will help our panelists prepare.
Contact the Ask Us Desk at askus@dglibrary.org or call (630) 960-1200 with questions.
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Organized by:
Listen and ask questions of our panel of local homesteaders, and learn how you can live a self-sufficient life that is sustainable and ecologically friendly – even in the suburbs.
This will be a conversational format, but if you wish to submit a question ahead of time, please include it with your registration. It will help our panelists prepare.
Contact the Ask Us Desk at askus@dglibrary.org or call (630) 960-1200 with questions.