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February 01, 2025

Israel Blackburn: A Journey From Slavery to Founder of Downers Grove

Downers Grove Public Library
1050 Curtiss St, Downers Grove
10:30 am — 11:30 am

Please join us for a special presentation on the life of Israel Blackburn. Israel was born into slavery in 1818 in Kentucky. In 1865, during the Civil War, he was performing garrison duties as part of the 124th U.S. Colored Infantry in Kentucky. Blackburn moved his family north to Downers Grove shortly after the war. He became a respected member of the community and within a few years, in 1873, was one of the 38 founding signers of the Incorporation Papers for the new Village of Downers Grove. In this presentation, amateur genealogist and local historian, Marty Acks, will tell Israel’s story by following the large trove of archival material that documents many aspects of his unique life. Israel Blackburn was chosen as the Downers Grove Historical Society’s Founder of the Year for 2024. (Admission is FREE, but you must register in advance by clicking the red button below.)


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Presented by:
The Downers Grove Historical Society
(630) 481-6164‬

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