Part of the Downers Grove Historical Society’s FoundersFest events. Pierce Downer’s Heritage Alliance is supporting FoundersFest again this year and celebrating spring with a guided Wildflower Walk in Lyman Woods. The group of hikers will depart at 9:00 AM from the Interpretive Center. The group will be limited to about 15 participants and should expect to spend about 1.5 to 2 hours exploring the woods and fields of this high quality nature preserve. Register:
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Cost: No Cost/Free
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Organized by:
Pierce Downer’s Heritage Alliance
(630) 915-0956
Part of the Downers Grove Historical Society’s FoundersFest events. Pierce Downer’s Heritage Alliance is supporting FoundersFest again this year and celebrating spring with a guided Wildflower Walk in Lyman Woods. The group of hikers will depart at 9:00 AM from the Interpretive Center. The group will be limited to about 15 participants and should expect to spend about 1.5 to 2 hours exploring the woods and fields of this high quality nature preserve. Register: