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March 09, 2023

The Architectural Styles of Downers Grove

Another Round Bar & Grill
5141 Main St, Downers Grove
7:00 pm — 8:00 pm

Are you intrigued by architecture and history? Would you like to learn more about the different architectural styles in Downers Grove? If so, please join us for this informative, in-depth presentation given by architect Douglas Gilbert.

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Our annual membership meeting will take place immediately following the presentation.

Douglas GilbertDouglas Gilbert is an Illinois-based architect and preservation consultant with over 20 years of experience preserving and restoring historic homes and buildings. His practice focuses on restoration and rehabilitation, building assessments, historic structure reports, tax-credit consulting, and architectural surveys, and National Register nominations. Doug is the past chair of the Illinois Historic Sites Advisory Council, which reviews National Register nominations for the State of Illinois.


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Presented by:
The Downers Grove Historical Society
(630) 481-6164‬


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