The Cole House
Location: 710 Maple Ave Downers Grove IL
Building style/form: Queen Anne, Greek Revival
Date built: circa 1856
This is a Downers Grove Landmark

This landmarked 1850’s Queen Anne, Greek Revival home was the home of Jordan James Cole.

Jordan James Cole (1833-1901) purchased land from the Curtiss family in the Curtis Subdivision and completed the construction of the family residence circa 1856. J.J. Cole was a captain of the semi-regular military organization called the Downers Grove Plow Boys who actively campaigned for Abraham Lincoln. They helped raise an official company of troops from DuPage County once news was received that Fort Sumter had fallen on April 21, 1861. Company K was incorporated into the 13th Illinois regiment and J. J. Cole was elected to the position of second-lieutenant. J.J. Cole, referred to as a great organizer and drill master, rose through the ranks and when the head of the company, Captain Blanchard, succumbed to his wounds received at Ringgold Gap, J.J. Cole became captain of Company K. He was with his men in almost every engagement over the course of three years except for the time when he was captured at Chickasaw Bayou in 1862 at the beginning of the Vicksburg
Campaign. He was held as prisoner-of-war for four months and was eventually exchanged at the infamous Libby Prison in Richmond, Virginia and immediately rejoined his company.

The 1874 Atlas and History of DuPage County, Illinois states the following regarding Captain Cole’s Military Record:

“Here we find an instance of patriotism and devotion to the stars and stripes that has few parallels.”

After his service, he had several commercial interests and sold the property to Austin Richards in 1865 who later sold to the Postmaster Henry Carpenter in 1871. J.J. Cole held important political positions. From 1866-1869 he served as the Supervisor (Mayor) of what was then unincorporated Downers Grove. He then served as DuPage County Clerk from 1869 to 1876 and in that role had the honor to attest to the incorporation of Downer Groves in 1873. He later served as the Mayor of Wheaton.

Another quote on J.J.Cole’s political career from the 1874 Atlas states:

“There is no servant of the people who is more courteous and obliging to all alike in his official and social relations than he. Such are the men that people honor.”

The home itself has had several changes and additions made over the years. The upper western end of the home most closely resembles the contemporary drawing from the 1874 Atlas and History of DuPage with the dormer and associated windows. The porch has been changed to run across the Maple Avenue side of the house with four Doric columns supporting the roof. The eastern section of the house has been significantly changed with internal layout modifications and the addition of two gables. A structure at the rear of the structure that is present in the Sanborn map was removed at some point and the Huber’s added a rear porch in 1986. Other features include casement windows, an archway with a pass-through, and interior woodworking.

For more information, see the Village of Downers Grove Landmarking Resolution for this house.

Landmark submitted by: James and Maren Huber
Landmark Criteria:

Notable person – Jordan James Cole

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