The Ella Beaudette House
Location: 4811 Linscott Ave, Downers Grove, IL 60515
Building style/form: Queen Anne, Gable-Ell
Date built: 1892

This Centennial Home was in the Prince Subdivision.

This home, which was located close to downtown, was demolished sometime after 2013 and replaced by a modern farmhouse, typical of the era. 

This 8-room Queen Anne home was built by Earl Prince and sold for $2,600.00 in 1892.  This home featured 3 stained glass windows and unique tiling around the fireplace. The fireplace tile featured a reclining lady with billowing chiffon drapery and the caption “Mid-Day”.  At one point there was a kitchen fire that was discovered during later modifications. here was a steep staircase in the back of the house  that was removed.

This home was named for the first owner of the house, Ella P Beaudette. While she is listed on the warranty deed, her husband, Adolphus Beadutte, appears on other county records.  They owned the house for a year  and sold it for a $400 profit. They house may have been purchased as an investment.  Other owners of this home included Emma Lloyd, Edward and Edna Schultz, and Robert and Kathryn Harvey.

Centennial Home submitted by: Kathryn Harvey
Approved: 1995
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