The Austin & Betsey Pye House
Location: 5501 Aubrey Terrace Downers Grove IL
Building style/form: Gable-Front and Gabled Ell
Date built: 1861
Historic Home Program

The older part of this home is a 2 story Gable Front house. A one story addition was added to the east side of the original 2 story house circa 1946. When the Mackey’s originally bought the home, about 1925, there was no indoor plumbing but it did have electrical. This is according to their grandson Dale Mackey.

Austin Pye and Betsy Thatcher were early settlers in Downers Grove.  Austin bought approximately 27 acres of land near the Indian Boundary Line in Downers Grove Township, DuPage County on February 22, 1859. The present day location of this land is the Forest Highland Subdivision.  Austin and other Pye family members are buried in the Main Street Cemetery. After Austin’s death, Betsey made her way to Chico, California with her daughter. She is buried there.

Researched by Chuck Holzen and Lois Sterba

Historic Home submitted by: Tracy J. Willard
Approved: 2022


5501 Aubrey Terrace Downers Grove IL

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